Watch a video
Young adult
Middle aged person
Make a list of people you know who are at each of the stages of life
Father Parent
Brother Teenager
Uncle Middle age person
Read the words about SPECIAL DAYS
Get a driver's license: it is permission to do something... the drivers license, on the other hand, is the docuement that contains the administrative authorization to drive vehicles on public road
Get a job: Looking for a job is the act of looking for a job, if you are unemplayed, underemplayed, if you are not satisfied with your current position, or simply want a better position
Get married: It is known as a wedding or the contract obtained by the members of the coumple
go on a first date: It is an important event that starts from preparing for the meeting, choose the place and deciding whether to take the relationship futher
go to college: is the name given to each of the higher education intitutions
graduate from high school: a diploma or certificate is awarded at high school graduation
have children: In a couple looking to have a child, dreaming of a baby always means something positive
leave home: go to a different place
retire: separate someone or something from another person or thing or a place
start school: refers to the space that human beings attend to learn
vote: cast a vote in a election or consultation
Practice. Use the correct Spelling of -ing forms
Créditos: Miss Monserrat Arroyabe balarezo
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